
Self-organization in sensor networks and overlay networks
Acronyme AI-ES-DE
Finance Ministry of Education and Science (MEC)
Number MEC HA2006-0127 (Integrated Action Spain-Germany)
Period 2007-01 → 2009-03
Money 11.260€
Members mjserna,mjblesa,cblum
Participants UPC and Universität Leipzig
Coordinator Prof.Dr.M.Serna and Prof.Dr.M.Middendorf
Description {'#text': 'In this project we will develop new models and methods for the analysis\n of networks with reconfigurable components.This includes overlay\n networks and sensor networks.We will develop protocols and\n reconfiguration strategies that support important properties of the\n networks, e.g.stability.In particular they should use principles of\n self-organisation and support failure management.The final aim is to\n develop (sensor, overlay) networks that are self-healing.', 'ul': [{'#text': 'Models: One type of models that we develop will be adversarial\n models where networks are represented as queuing networks.The\n properties of the queues together with the used protocols that handle\n the packets will be used to model different types of networks.These\n models should include reconfiguration concepts.The models should be\n suitable for the analysis of analyze stability, connectedness, and\n reconfiguration costs.', 'br': [[]]}, {'#text': 'Reconfiguration strategies and protocols: We will use game theory\n for the analysis of the reconfigurable strategies.', 'br': [[]]}, {'#text': 'Self-organisation: Principles of self-organisation that are\n inspired by social insects will be used for the design of the protocols\n and reconfiguration strategies for the overlay and sensor networks.\n These principles will be integrated into the models in order to analyze\n them.Since it will not be possible to analyze all interesting aspects\n of the protocols analytically we will also use simulation for the\n analysis of the models and the protocols.', 'br': [[]]}]}

ALBCOM Research Group
© Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021