
Geographically Distributed Environments: Combinatorial Optimization Library
Acronyme MALLBA
Finance Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
Number CYCIT TIC99-0754-C03-02
Period 1999-01 → 2003-01
Money 82.000€
Members diaz,mjserna,alvarez,jpetit,fatos,mjblesa,gabarro
Participants Grupo de Ingeniería del Software (Universidad de Málaga), Grupo de Paralelismo (Universidad de La Laguna), Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
Coordinator J.Díaz
Description The goal of this project is to design, to implement and to evaluate a library of algorithmic skeletons for solving combinatorial optimisation problems.A skeleton is a generic tool that allows to define a concrete optimisation problem by creating instances of the general optimisation method that it implements. Three methods for solving problems of this area will be supported: exact methods, heuristic methods and hybrid methods.The library will offer three different implementations: sequential, locally distributed (LAN) and geographically distributed (WAN).The geographic platform that will be used to develop and evaluate this library will include the three heterogeneous networks of personal computers located at the three participant sites: Barcelona, La Laguna (Tenerife Island) and Málaga.

ALBCOM Research Group
© Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021