
Algorithms and Complexity - II
Acronyme ALCOM-II
Finance Comunidad Europea
Number ESPRIT-BRA 3075
Period 1992-07 → 1995-07
Money 135.000 ecus
Members diaz,mjserna,gabarro,alvarez,cases,conrado, D.Guijarro,gavalda,balqui,F.Cucker,M.Hermo,antoni, E.Mayordomo,J.Torán
Participants Department of Computer Science (University of Århus), Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Department of Computer Science (Freie University), Trinity College (Dublin), INRIA (Rocquencourt), INRIA (Sophia-Antipolis), Department of Computer Science (University of Saarbrücken), Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (University of Paderborn) Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (University of Paderborn) Computer Technology Institute (Patras), Department of Computer and System Science (University of Rome "La Sapienza"), Department of Computer Science (University of Utrecht), Department of Computer Science (University of Warwick), EHESS (Paris).
Coordinator K.Mehlhorn
Description {'p': 'The ALCOM-II project is concerned with the design, analysis and\n implementation of efficient computer algorithms; it builds upon the\n successful work of the ALCOM-I project.The goal of the action is\n to provide the efficient algorithms which are needed to build\n competitive information processing systems.The project brings\n together thirteen leading research groups in the field of algorithm\n research from nine different EU member states.The work areas of\n the project are: design of sequential algorithms, design of\n parallel and distributed algorithms, analysis of algorithms and\n complexity theory, and implementation of prototype software.'}

ALBCOM Research Group
© Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021